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Re: [Erlug] Recupero disco [Risolto]

To: ERlug - Lista Pubblica <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] Recupero disco [Risolto]
From: "Guido Bolognesi [Zen]" <zen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:02:08 +0200
2009/9/22 filippo <filippo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> fortunatamente il disco superstite era sano, quindi alla fine per
sono davvero _molto_ contento per te :)

> Non ho una grande esperienza di raid software, e in giro ho letto tutto
di questo neanche io

> /                    60 GB (esagerati)
in effetti... per me son tanti gia` 5/8Gb. :)

> a parte le due partizioni programmi + dati, io ho messo in RAID anche lo
> swap: ci sono controindicazioni? Tenendo presente che la macchina in
> questione funge da samba server per una rete di ben due utenti (+
Nel Raid software howto dice:
There's no reason to use RAID for swap performance reasons.
The kernel itself can stripe swapping on several devices, if you just
give them the same priority in the /etc/fstab file.
[snip snip]
Another reason to use RAID for swap is high availability.
If you set up a system to boot on eg. a RAID-1 device, the system
should be able to survive a disk crash.
But if the system has been swapping on the now faulty device, you will
for sure be going down.
Swapping on a RAID-1 device would solve this problem.

There has been a lot of discussion about whether swap was stable on
RAID devices. This is a continuing debate, because it depends highly
on other aspects of the kernel as well. As of this writing, it seems
that swapping on RAID should be perfectly stable, you should however
stress-test the system yourself until you are satisfied with the
Visto che posto ne hai e le prestazioni sono un problema relativo, dal
mio punto di vista lo swap sul raid ci sta.
Ma e` un'osservazione puramente accademica, non ho MD in giro :)

guido . zen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . skype://zenmobile

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