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Re: [Erlug] Ancora LVM, un consiglio

To: ERlug - Lista Pubblica <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] Ancora LVM, un consiglio
From: m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 11:23:29 +0200
* Fabio Muzzi (kurgan@xxxxxxxxxx) [090409 11:05]:
> > ha infinitamente senso, ha meno senso come lo fai adesso
> Io pero` qui mi trovo a sbattere contro il principio che quello che non 
> c'e` non si rompe, e quindi mi trovo a titubare un pochino. Un po` come 
> se fossi una ticolomba.

hai ragione anche tu, tu d'altronde non usi un file system, giusto,
metti che si rompa ? allochi di peso una partizione raw, e poi ``tal
dezid po' te`'' dove stanno i dati, giusto ?

bravo kurgan ! insegnaglielo mo !

 .*.                            finelli
(/ \) --------------------------------------------------------------
(   )       Linux: Friends dont let friends use Piccolosoffice
^^-^^ --------------------------------------------------------------

"Although Poles suffer official censorship, a pervasive secret
police and laws similar to those in the USSR, there are
thousands of underground publications, a legal independent
Church, private agriculture, and the East bloc's first and only
independent trade union federation, NSZZ Solidarnosc, which is
an affiliate of both the International Confederation of Free
Trade Unions and the World Confederation of Labor.  There is
literally a world of difference between Poland - even in its
present state of collapse - and Soviet society at the peak of
its "glasnost."  This difference has been maintained at great
cost by the Poles since 1944.
-- David Phillips, SUNY at Buffalo, about establishing a
   gateway from EARN (Eurpoean Academic Research Network)
   to Poland

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