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Re: [Erlug] Help con ricompilazione kernel

To: "ERlug - Lista Pubblica" <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] Help con ricompilazione kernel
From: "wilk3ert wilk" <wilk3ert@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:11:54 +0200
2008/4/10, Sythos <sythos@xxxxxxxxxx>:
no, bastano gli header che sono un pacchetto a parte

--- new kernel patch howto ---

KERNEL >= 2.6.17; PBBUTT0NSD >= 0.7.8; SYNAPTICS >= 0.14.6 :

patch your kernel with the kernel patch adbsyn_0.3_2.6.1(7|8|9|etc).diff
(see download section)

howl:~# cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/macintosh/
howl:~# patch -p1 -i /where/is/adbsyn_0.3_2.6.1(7|8|9|etc).diff

edit your kernel config and set CONFIG_ADB_TRACKPAD_ABSOLUTE=y
recompile and reboot with your new kernel.
the mouse probably won't work really good with X at this point.

Questa è la guida per patchare il kernel per configurare il mouse con la patch di adbsyn.
Se bastano gli header, come faccio a ricompilare il kernel senza i sorgenti?

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