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Re: [Erlug] ci piu` piu`

To: ERlug - Lista Pubblica <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] ci piu` piu`
From: m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 15:51:44 +0100
* Fabio Muzzi (kurgan@xxxxxxxxxx) [080201 15:49]:
> > adesso ti resta da scoprire perche' i file sul disco si corrompono :)
> Esatto. e non e` per nulla divertente.

il problema non si pone proprio, si cambia il disco e se ricapita si
cambia il portatitle

 .*.                            finelli
(/ \) --------------------------------------------------------------
(   )       Linux: Friends dont let friends use Piccolosoffice
^^-^^ --------------------------------------------------------------

(...) from this circumstance alone, that a controversy has been long
kept on foot, and remains still undecided, we may presume that there is
some ambiguity in the expression, and that the disputants affix
different ideas to the terms employed in the controversy.

   David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section VIII,
Part 1

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