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Re: [Erlug] salve mi presento...

To: ERlug - Lista Pubblica <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] salve mi presento...
From: "Guido Bolognesi [ Zen ]" <zen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 00:53:46 +0200
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 11:41:52PM +0200, Fabio Muzzi wrote:
> buono solo a pontificare sul sysadminning(1), dicendo cose tipo "eh, ai
> (1) si dira` cosi`? 
direi "sysadmining", che sul mio Mac dice:

beepbeep:~ zen$ man sysadmining
SYSADMINING(1)                                                  SYSADMINING(1)

       sysadmining - force clue on [l]users

       sysadmining [ username ...  ]

       sysadmining  forces  clue on [l]users so that [l]users will behave cor-
       rectly next time.  This can be useful to influence various examples  of
       bad behaviour, as

       * the use of short passwords

       * incorrect file formats

       * wrong backup times, and

       * improper use of network resources.

       rtfm(1), lusers(1), fsck(8), clue_stick(1), big_red_button(1)

in attach trovi la man page, for your reference - che si sa, i Mac
sono un po' strani, ed il mio forse piu` di altri...

guido . zen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . skype://zenmobile

Attachment: sysadmining.1
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