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Re: [Erlug] web server + dbms preconfezionato cercasi

To: ERlug - Lista Pubblica <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Erlug] web server + dbms preconfezionato cercasi
From: koba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:22:52 +0100
On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 09:33:56AM +0100, L wrote:

Si, ho un po' di mail in arretrato.. <g>

> Ho vecchie esperienze di programmazione fortran/cobol,
> vorrei (in ambiente linux es. ubuntu L.T.S.) creare un server che permetta 
> all'operatore su INTRANET win, dopo l'accesso alla pagina web,    di 

Mai coverti, cmq me li ero segnati tempo fa; ovviamente su freshmeat ne
trovi altri nmila mila; non sottovaluterei neanche qualche
roba/approccio "on rails".

Se ti capita di provarli/usarli, condividi poi con noi (sorry per "la
lista della spesa").
Gentry aids in the entry of data into a MySQL database through the use of a
GUI. It requires a database and table on a local MySQL server and connects
using your username. From there, the program builds a data entry screen
based on the table columns.
Phplabware is a web-driven database management system. Phplabware runs on a
server and is accessed through a web browser. Databases can be designed
within a web-interface. Data-entry takes place in forms, which can be
altered using phplabware's plugin mechanism. Search results can be output in
reports, which are generated based on simple HTML templates. Phplabware
supports file and image uploads and allows for full-text searches in
uploaded materials. A UNIX-like user and group access control mechanism
allows for fine-grained read and write control at both the level of a
complete database as well as individual records. The (php-based) plugin
mechanism allows for easy and fast adaptation of phplabware to any specific
Maccess helps to analyse data in databases; it is a Web interface to an SQL
server. Its main features are user friendly query creation for SQL server;
selective, grouped, and crosstab queries; various outputs (XML, HTML, TXT,
graphs, and Europe map); data ungrouping in grouped queries; creation of Web
links and definition of CSS styles for all values in output; ability to
format numbers, dates, and times; and input and data update.
Solomon is a Perl CGI program that generates interactive frontends to MySQL
tables. It allows visitors to order, insert, delete, modify, and search
records in a table and allows administrators to have complete control over
what users may do when accessing a table, and how the table frontend is
presented to the user.
SCRMGR is a curses-based (text screen or 'console') screen manager and data
entry system. It makes heavy use of "softkey labels" and "softkeys" (a.k.a.
function keys F1-F10) to guide the user.
mySiteMaker is a collection of CGI tools written in Perl for rapidly
creating web interfaces to MySQL  database tables. The primary goal of this
project is to make accessing data in database tables as easy, convenient and
simple as possible.
Gedafe (the Generic Database Frontend) is a web-based database frontend that
is database-application independent. That means that the (perl) code doesn't
contain any information about what tables are present in the database, how
the data is organized or how the forms should be made.
The idea is to put all the application logic in the database along with
meta-information on how to present the data and then use a generic frontend
that gathers that information and uses it to build the interface presented
to the user.
At the moment Gedafe works only with PostgreSQL.
Dataxi is a collection of tools for developing form-based information
systems. Dataxi enables one to quickly build an application based on forms
with which the user can access the underlying database in order to query,
read, edit and write. Dataxi is the link between the user interface and the
dataMiner is a PHP interface to manipulating data stored in a MySQL table.
Table data is read internally by PHP, leaving configuration minimized to
bare essentials. Features like file upload handling, image thumbnails,
advanced form controls w/ javascript, calendars and css themes are included.
DaDaBIK e un'applicazione PHP free che permette di creare facilmente una
form cerca/inserisci/aggiorna/cancella record totalmente personalizzabile
per un database MySQL, tutto quello che devi fare e specificare alcuni
parametri di configurazione.
Autotabla is a CGI web interface to your programs SQL tables. Just provide
an XML description of your schema, and you'll be able to
create/modify/delete records. HTML output fully customizable through CSS.
Database independence through Perl/DBI.
Cardfile is a simple screen oriented database manager. It does have some
rudimentary file formatting and printing capabilities. I use it as a library
catalog. The metaphor is a stack of index cards with fields and subfields on
them. To explain subfields, think of a book with multiple authors. Each
author must be treated equally and there may be many authors. If you search
for any book written by "John Smith" you want to find it whether he is the
only author or the fifteenth author. 


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