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[Erlug] debian SID - Kernel 2.4.26-1-686 e Devfs

To: erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Erlug] debian SID - Kernel 2.4.26-1-686 e Devfs
From: vic <vic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:15:58 +0100
Ciao a tutti,
Ho comprato un palmare (che gioia), pero' il modulo per interfacciarlo
con linux e' presente solo nei kernel dal 2.4.21 in poi (ach ho il
Poco male installo la kernel-image 2.4.27-1-686
Problema, quando lancio #lilo -v dopo l'aggiornamento del kernel mi
kinotto:/# lilo -v
LILO version 22.6.1, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2004 John Coffman
Released 17-Nov-2004, and compiled at 20:30:43 on Dec  9 2004
Debian GNU/Linux

Warning: /etc/lilo.conf should be writable only for root
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/disc' -> '/dev/hdd'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part1' -> '/dev/hdd1'
Warning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for
device 0x81
    Kernel: 12042 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors
      BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part2' -> '/dev/hdd2'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part5' -> '/dev/hdd5'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part6' -> '/dev/hdd6'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part7' -> '/dev/hdd7'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part8' -> '/dev/hdd8'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part9' -> '/dev/hdd9'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc'  -> '/dev/hda'
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1' -> '/dev/hda1'
Using MENU secondary loader
Calling map_insert_data
Warning: The boot sector and map file are on different disks.

Boot image: /vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1-686
Mapping RAM disk initrd.img -> /boot/initrd.img-2.4.26-1-686
Added Kinotto

Boot image: /vmlinuz.old -> /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20
Added LinuxOLD

Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader CHAIN
Added Windows *

Writing boot sector.
/boot/boot.0300 exists - no boot sector backup copy made.

Il che mi fa pensare che ci sia qualcosa di "attivo" su devfs senza che
io sappia come escluderlo/rimediare.

Il sistema fa il boot, ma depmod mi restituisce una sfilza di errori di
unresolved symbols.

Altra cosa ALSA. alsaconf mi rileva la scheda ma al momento di ripartire
mi dice che non riesce a trovare i device (sempre Devfs?).

Provo a passare al 2.4.26-1.686 per vedere se la solfa cambia, ma i
problemi di lilo sono gli stessi, gli unresolved symbols sembrano

kinotto:~# depmod -a

pero' di alsa non sono disponibili i moduli, provo a compilarli ma mi 
viene detto:
kinotto:/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver# ./debian/rules\
KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.26-1-686 KVERS=2.4.26-1-686\
KDREV=2.4.26-6 binary-modules
You don't have the compiler that your kernel was built with installed
make: *** [configure-stamp] Error 1

Ho installato tutte le versioni di GCC disponibili su SID ma non c'e'
stato niente da fare.

Che faccio?
(una cosa alla volta che gia' ci metto del mio a fare confusione :-( )

Pace e Amore
* Freedom has a taste of its own *

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