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Re: [Erlug] linux-box con tre NIC e client Win2k

To: erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Erlug] linux-box con tre NIC e client Win2k
From: Maurizio Lemmo - Tannoiser <tannoiser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:20:15 +0100
* martedì 17 febbraio 2004, alle 16:05, vic scrive:
> Qua invece proprio non ho capito da dove si evinca che i driver non mi 
> servono ( a meno che con "hard drive partition" non si possa intendere 
> un CDROM).

Perche` te lo dice dopo ("see below"):

"Even if you cannot boot from CD-ROM, you can probably install the
Debian system components and any packages you want from CD-ROM. Simply
boot using a different media, such as floppies. When it's time to
install the operating system, base system, and any additional packages,
point the installation system at the CD-ROM drive."

                          Maurizio - Tannoiser - Lemmo
                 Founder Member of ERLUG
Principal Snyder: "Pathetic little lowlife vegan."
        --Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I Only Have Eyes For You

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