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Re: [Erlug] Visto questo? [url]

To: erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Erlug] Visto questo? [url]
From: Davide Bolcioni <db_erlug@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 22:49:18 +0200
Maurizio Lemmo - Tannoiser ha scritto:

Parrebbe che redhat advanced server violi la GPL.

Per nulla carino. Per nulla.

Per andare un pò più a fondo sulla questione, conviene visitare
il forum originale:

e il commento più interessante secondo me è questo:

> I think you're forgetting that that license agreement wasn't written
> for techies. It was written for PHBs to whom the concept of "we can
> install as many copies as we want, regardless of licenses" is totally
> alien and makes them very uncomfortable. The license is written in
> terms the PHBs like: you can install as many copies as you have
> licenses for, if you want more copies you buy more licenses. Since
> RHAS contains more than just GPL'd software (services, updates,
> support, non-GPL'd software are also included in what you're buying),
> they're entirely entitled to sell the whole thing under the terms
> they've written. They're just giving the PHBs what they want.

> If you want, you can go in, extract just the GPL'd software parts,
> roll your own ISOs and ignore the RHAS license from that point on. In
> fact, if you read the EULA, it specifically says you should review the
> GPL terms and that nothing in the RHAS license limits your rights
> under the GPL. Techies are expected to be smart enough to read that as
> the loophole big enough to drive a semi rig through that it's meant to
> be, while still keeping it in language that won't short-circuit a
> PHB's brain with concepts that just don't exist in their world.

Dal mio punto di vista, finchè RedHat rilascia sotto GPL il codice va
bene: non posso biasimarli perchè si sforzano di farsi pagare.

Davide Bolcioni
There is no place like /home.

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