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Re: [Erlug] pppd: errore 19

To: erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Erlug] pppd: errore 19
From: Maurizio Lemmo - Tannoiser <tann@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 15:54:29 +0100
* mercoledì 26 marzo 2003, alle 15:30, Marco Valli scrive:
> Debian Woody con kde3.1.1 e modem esterno seriale.

allora non e` woody (gh).

cmq, c'e` poco da dire:

19     We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.

il che non significa che sia colpa tua, eh.

                          Maurizio - Tannoiser - Lemmo
                 Founder Member of ERLUG
Buffy: "I want my life to be with you."
Angel: "I don't."
Buffy: "You don't want to be with me?"
        --Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Prom

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