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Re: [Erlug] sched-O1-rml-2.4.19-1.patch

To: erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Erlug] sched-O1-rml-2.4.19-1.patch
From: Maurizio Lemmo - Tannoiser <tann@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 17:08:54 +0200
* venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, alle 16:42, Sythos scrive:
> No, forse non so leggere

ti sopravvaluti.

> ..... continuo a leggere roba SMP, e vantaggi su 
> sistemi SMP

ma porco ________ <inserire divinita` a piacere>.

> >+ - good interactive performance even during high load: if the user +
> >types or clicks then the system must react instantly and must execute
> >+ the user tasks smoothly, even during considerable background load.

Cosa c'entra smp con questo?

> >+ - good scheduling/wakeup performance with 1-2 runnable processes.

1 o 2 _processi_ sythos, processi. eh?
Quanti processori ti servono per _runnare_ 1-2 processi?

> >+ - fairness: no process should stay without any timeslice for any
> >+   unreasonable amount of time. No process should get an unjustly high
> >+   amount of CPU time.

processi, porcosythos, processi.

> >+ - priorities: less important tasks can be started with lower priority,
> >+   more important tasks with higher priority.

E qui? priorita` dei task. Dove vedi una specificita` SMP?
Un processore e` monotasking??

> >+ - SMP efficiency: no CPU should stay idle if there is work to do.
> >+
> >+ - SMP affinity: processes which run on one CPU should stay affine to
> >+   that CPU. Processes should not bounce between CPUs too frequently.
> >+
> >+ - plus additional scheduler features: RT scheduling, CPU binding.

AH-AH! eccoli qua`. efficenza dell'smp, e affinity. Eh si, decisamente
una patch SMP only.

France: non e` grave _non_ fare sempre reply, eh. Sentiti libero di
provare. E ti sto flammando.

                          Maurizio - Tannoiser - Lemmo
                 Founder Member of ERLUG
Buffy: "Really not an issue."
        --Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

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