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[Erlug] topi?

To: Lista Erlug <erlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Erlug] topi?
From: Francesco Conti <francesco.conti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:18:15 +0200
Security Violations
Aug 27 06:42:55 c1p8.srv.ibn PAM-unix2[2022]: bad username [+] 
Aug 27 06:42:55 c1p8.srv.ibn login[2022]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM /dev/tty1 FOR 
UNKNOWN, User not known to the underlying authentication module 

O forse la donna di servizio che mi ha pulito la tastiera alle 6:42?


P.S.: no, i poltergeist non sono stati...a quell'ora dormono, mica scemi :)))

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