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Package SSH Debian Potato
Inviato da: webmaster - 25 Giu 2002 - 02:24
Bug! Dopo Woody stamattina e Mandrake ora anche per Potato sono disponibile gli upgrade di sicurezza per ssh
Leggete _BENE_ quanto sotto

Some notes on possible issues associated with this upgrade:

* This package introduce a new account called `sshd' that is used in the privilege separation code.
If no sshd account exists the package will try to create one. If the account already exists it will be re-used. If you do not want this to happen you will have to fix this manually.
* (relevant for potato only) This update adds a backport of version 0.9.6 of the SSL library. This means you will have to upgrade tne ssl package as well.
* (relevant for potato only) This update defaults to using version 2 of the SSH protocol. This can break existing setups where RSA authentication is used. You will either have to add -1 to the ssh invocation to keep using SSH protocol 1 and your existing keys, or create new keys for SSH protocol 2.
* sshd defaults to enabling privilege seperation, even if you do not explicitly enable it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config . * If ssh does not work for you you can try to disable compression. We already included a patch from Solar Designer which fixes the problem
with Linux 2.2 kernels, but there might be a few cases where this is not sufficient.

OK ora toccatevi senza timore e andate a upgradre :))

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